Monday, January 17, 2011

16 Months

Has it really been 16 months since you came into our lives and turned it upside down in the best possible way? Oddly enough, it seems like you have been with us forever and I guess in some ways you have been. You are growing, learning, and changing everyday. You are definitely into full blown toddlerhood and it has presented some "unique" challenges lately. You are still happst in the morning and I love going in your room in the morning to see your smiling face. You are a ball of energy. Here are a list of your recent accoomplishments:

- You are able to follow lots of simple directions, like "please put your clothes in the hamper" or "please get your shoes"
-You enjoy coloring with Daddy and even put your crayons back in the cubby when you are done!
-You have learned to "pretend sleep" by mock snoring just like mama does. It is the cutest freakin' think ever.
-You climb everything, every box, chair, or pillow in site.
-You love mama to hold you when she is trying to cook or clean.
-You are OBSSESSED with plugs and outlets which drives us bonkers!
-You can figure out how to change the TV channel using the remote
-You love shaking your booty to all types of music.
-You love drinking lemon water and don't like drinking milk from a cup
-You love being outside and get quite upset if we bring you in too early
-You are learning how to whisper
These are just a few of the things you are doing lately but most importantly you ROCK OUR WORLD! We are amazed by you each day and love you more than ever.

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