Tuesday, December 7, 2010


It many of E's pictures he is wearing hats. I am a big fan of hats on little ones and I am especially blessed that I have a good friend who knits him these fabulous hats. That being said it doesn't really allow anyone to see his hair which has gotten pretty long. Not quite girl long but still long. NK and I has agreed to let it keep growing until ...well whever. He hasn't quite gotten the curls like mama that we wished for but it does curls somewhat in the back. It is definitely his daddy's hair and it flattens out after wearing one of his many hats. In any case, you can imagine I was quite surprise (SHOCKED) when the Papa mentioned calling his Nana P for a haircut (she is a barber). I instantly started freaking out and he quickly retreated. So I am going to post a picture of the "flat" hair and you decide.

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