Friday, December 31, 2010

Goals for 2011

2010 has been a whirlwind for me. I have spent much of my time keeping up with life while taking care of Emory. It has also been a year of learning some hard lessons , both personally and professionally. I'm really looking forward to the new year and all the possibilities it brings. I
have no doubt that life will continue to school me as I move forward in my thirties. Here are a few things that I have come up with to help me start the New Year off right.

1) Renew my faith
2) Foster a positive in my life, my home, in my marriage, and in rearing our son. Limit or even exclude those influences that are negative and emotionaly draining, even if it is only my perception.
3) Stop trying to fix situations and relationships that are outside my control.
4) Put myself back towards the top of the priority list.
- Working out at least 3 times per week
- Taking time to dress up, do my hair, monthly mani/pedi
- Keeping a up to date planner
- Writing in a journal/blog
4) Have a regular date night. I have this smoking hot hubby who after nearly 12 years of marriage still loves me and the life we have built together.
5) Re-energize myself about my career. I have a great job and work for a great program. I just need to start acting like it!
6) Exercise my creativity by continuing to decorate our home without spending much money.
7) Spend less, save more.

That is all I can think of for now but I have no doubt these goals will continue to eveolve throughout the year.

What are you goals for 2011?

Much love to everyone for a happy and healthy new year!

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