Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Half a Year!

This past weekend our sweet "Baby Lei" turned six months. I remember when Emory hit six months and I was shocked at how quickly time had passed by. This time around it is different. Sure, I say " time flies" but with her I don't feel like time is passing by at warp speed and that I am "missing" out. This seems completely contrary to what I thought life would be with two working parents and children in day care. With my amazing work schedule, and the recent random government closings/delays, I really feel like I have a lot of time with both of my kids but especially Leia. And she is a pretty awesome baby.

Despite my slight mental break down ;o), she is still nursing like a champ! She is up about twice per night and most nights I really enjoy that time together, no E, no Daddy, just mama and baby together. She is rolls over, she scoots backward (stop that), and has incredible hand-eye coordination. She lights up when she sees me and gives me big smiles however we both know I am not really here favorite. She loves her Daddy, like loves, loves her Daddy. If he enters the room, she is all grins. If she hears his voice but can't see him she starts tracking until she finds him. When he is holding her she nuzzles her face on his chest. Yes, my friends I have the makings of a Daddy's Girl and I am cool with that. She also loves her big brother. She is fascinated by him and thinks his is so funny. And oh my, how I love the clothes the tiny, adorable girl clothes. Leia is my little doll baby. One days she is in a smocked dress, the next in leopard print. And normally no matter what she has on, she is wearing a headband.

Six Months Stats

Weight 13 lbs, 9 oz
Height 24 inches
Food- Still using breastmilk as her primary source of food but she has started solids, so far so good. She hasn't tried a food yet that she doesn't like.


  1. So great! Sweet baby girl! So glad she's doing so well (and you are too!!!)
