Saturday, January 11, 2014


I have a big secret for you...I am kind of a morning person.  Not peppy, tap dancing kind of morning person but a I like to get up early when it is quiet person.  Every work day without fail, I am the first person up in our home and that is the way I like it. I can shower or get dressed using little light, creep down the stairs to get my coffee, do a quick chore, finish getting myself ready, and pack whatever I need for the kids/myself all before anyone gets out of bed. Most days I even fit in time to ready a morning devotional a few verses from my Bible.  It is very peaceful to me. Sometimes this desire to be up before the house bleeds over into the weekend. We all know our bodies get used to a routine and my body is used to being up no later than 5am during the week so usually on weekends I start to stir at that time. Depending on how I feel, I may choose to force myself back to sleep or that desire for solitude takes over so I get up.

This morning was one of those days. I looked at the clock and it was 5:30am. I thought that was a little ridiculous so I stayed in bed a little longer. By 6:23am I was ready to get up and have some quiet time.  I have a whole 15 minutes before my little morning person, Emory was creeping around upstairs. However, he and I have a system. He gets up and head to the couch to snuggle under a quilt with his choice of TV programming (PBS, Sprout, or Disney) and I get my time to drink coffee while surfing the net. This is a treat for him because he doesn't get a lot of screen time during our busy work weeks and Daddy prefers him not to watch too  much Disney. It is treat for me because I can "waste" time while drinking coffee in my pajamas (crazy hair and all!). Today is an even more special treat because my hubby brought home donuts yesterday from a local bakery...yum!

So are you a morning person, night owl, middle of the day kind of person?

"She gets up while it is still night;
she provides food for her family
and portions for her female servants." Proverbs 31:15

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