Saturday, June 8, 2013


So like always, life just keeps chugging along. I love coming back to this blog as a place to share all the things going on in our little world. Today is a random bunch of thoughts and happenings

-Leia is 10.5 months old, that's right double digits! Still nursing which makes me overjoyed because I put a lot of effort into giving that girl boob milk!
-She is pulling and cruising, occasionally letting go to move to something else but definitely not the same confident cruiser Emory was at this age.
-Leia popped two bottom teeth two weeks apart and who made the discovery? The one who nurses her...NOPE! Her Daddy. ;o)
-She eats EVERYTHING, no really. I have stopped sending solids to school in favor of her eating their menu almost exclusively.
-We do not sleep 12 hours but a good 6 to 7. I am cool with that. She gets up, nurses and heads back to bed. 10 minutes tops. And I love the snuggle time, even if I am zombie. ;o)
-I am thinking I will start planning her birthday party soon but thinking of opting for a smaller party than E's 1st.

-Emory was the victim of a home haircut, yes I made Daddy but his hair. The result is cute but let's just say, we will be letting it grow and returning to the barber shop.
-My boy still  makes me worry like no one else but I am learning to chill out and learn what being a boy mom is all about.
-In a conversation with a good friend, we discussed love languages and I think E's is time which is different than the mama and the daddy. This has been a true light bulb moment for me and has allowed me to find better ways to parent him.
-Emory has done so great is his Montessori program this year, he is registered for Junior Kindergarten this Fall...WHAT?!?!

-Handsome (aka NK) is doing super great at work and loves his job. I am SUPER DUPER proud of him.
-After 14 years of marriage, we are starting to communicate better than ever. We are working hard of meeting each other's needs and it is paying off.

OK, so now for me and the real randomness.

-I have decided at some point in the future, I want to be a La Leche leader. I am so passionate about breastfeeding and just want to encourage other mamas.
-My office is moving from VA to DC, everyone is all up in arms. I am trying to be positive and actually looking forward to being on a actual Navy base again.
-Oh the dreaded's WAS all over the news but the popularity has died down a bit. I am being forced to take one day without pay each week for 11 weeks. Losing the money is not awesome but an extra day at home with the littles...awesome.
-Along with the furlough pay cut comes super saving and selling. I have been selling unwanted items on craiglist and swaps. Grand total so far $176! That is all just crap sitting around my house. I have donated some items too.
-I love coffee...still. Yes, I am addicted but in moderation. Just this week I have returned to using half and half with sugar. It is simple and delicious. However, I am going to make my own flavored creamer next.
-Quiet time. I have committed myself to having quiet time each morning and boy it helps. Weekends are a little out of whack but the weekdays are set. The length of time varies but I am working on a new morning routine. It benefits everyone in the house because I am more calm and nicer.
-In preparation for my move, I have forced myself to start getting up earlier and prepping every night. WOWZERS! It is such common sense but you have better morning when you aren't stumbling trying to get things done or rushing sleeping kids. It is really only about 15 -20 minutes earlier anyway.
-I am back to using cloth diapers just about exclusively except for daycare. I have downsized my stash and working to find what works best for night.

Oh and the best thing...our vacation to the beach is in 28 days! YES!

That is all from the land of Kiernans. Much love to everyone.

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