Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The last night

As I sit here at the computer, I am mess of conflicting emotions.  Tomorrow is the big day when we finally get to meet the baby girl everyone has been dreaming about since early spring when we found out her gender. There seems to be so much excitement surrounding her arrival but I am just not there... yet. Maybe you call it denial but it seems surreal to me that these are the last hours I will be pregnant, that the boy I have loved for nearly three years will now be sharing that love with his sister, or that my husband transform into an amazing father. Don't get me wrong, I am happy and feel incredibly blessed to be walking through this journey again. I just can't seem to grasp the reality of it all. My bags are packed, the plan for E is in place, and the to do list is complete. We have cleaned the house, trimmed the yard, stocked up on neccessities, you name it it has probably been done. In fact, I am now surrounded by the smell of lemony fresh Lysol as NK just finished mopping the downstairs. :o) I guess in life there are some things you just have to experience first hand, no amount of imagining can suffice. So for now, I will make myself a cup of tea (my last beverage or food until after my surgery), plop on the couch, and wait for the sleepiness to set.

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