Thursday, August 16, 2012

And just like that...

you fall completely, head over heels in love.  Leia Lucia Kiernan was born on July 26, 2012 at 11:36am. She weighed 7lbs, 13 oz and was 21 inches long.  My scheduled c section went as planned.  The night before my c section, I was so filled with emotions. I finally laid down after midnight not fully understanding the reality that that was the last night I would be pregnant. My heart was aching for my first born, the son whom I had loved with all my heart since the day he was born. How could I love another baby without somehow diminishing my love for him? I literally sobbed in my bed. I sent a grief stricken text to my wonderful friend who lives in Hawaii. She knew just what to say and finally I let myself drift to sleep. As the morning light started peeking through my windows, I woke up with a sense of peace. I could do this, we could do this. My mom came over to get Emory, my BIL stopped by to check in on us, and then we finished getting ready to head for the hospital. No turning back.  Somewhere in the minutes after Leia was born, my fear evaporated. I knew just what everyone had told me was true. Your heart does really just double. We spent three days in the hospital bonding together and getting to know one another. It has been an amazing three weeks with her.  I am so blessed to have these two wonderful children and my husband by my side. Without a doubt, I know that this was God's perfect plan for me.

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