Friday, November 5, 2010

$$$Spend Free Weekend$$$

So I SERIOUSLY need to curtail my spending. I have been spending money on things here and there that have really been adding up. And the truth be told, I have been in a bit of funk lately and I guess I figured throwing money at the problem might help? Really? I am financial analyst for heaven's sake. I know better. Don't get me wrong, it isn't as I have been out there burning up my credit cards and ringing up thousands in debt but I have been pushing the limits for me. So I proposed to another mama friend that we go spend free just until Black Friday. Easy enough, right? I failed miserably this week. I was training this week and felt the need to buy lunches, etc although the facility provided beverages and morning snacks. We also had access to a fridge and microwave. ( I did bring lunch twice) To my friend, I apologize. I had no will power and I failed to follow through on our challenge. I promise to do better.

So what now? Well the first step is the put the past in the past and start over. I am going to start small with just the weekend and go from there. I do have a few household items and of course groceries I need to buy but I am keep it to the bare essentials. I think this will actually help me to enjoy my weekend more too which is an added bonus. I really despise the traffic and craziness that goes on in my area on the weekends. It is like people can't wait to spend their paycheck are racing out the door to give away their money. Not me, not this weekend. Instead I plan to organize my closet and put together some outfits for the week, read some of my library book, have meaningful interactions with my beloved, and most importantly spend time playing with my baby boy. This week has been exceptionally hard on me and I am hoping to recharge a little before heading back to work on Monday.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!



  1. I failed, too! I bought Pickle a new sweater for our family pictures.

    In my defense, he didn't have a "Christmas-y" I HAD to buy it!

    I started over this weekend, too! We're being good from here on out!

  2. I think I am going with a spend less rather than spend free.
