Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Things that bring my joy

Do you ever go through you day and feel like you did a bunch of stuff for everyone else but yourself? Do you think, oh I will get around to doing a girl's night or a mom's day out? I can be the same way. It left me feeling empty and frustrated. And even when I did take the time to do something special, I didn't usually walk away with the magical refresh I had hoped for because there had been such drought in between.

 Now, I fully recognize this was a choice I was making. It made me cranky and overwhelmed so I decided to start making some changes to help put in some joy for me each day. I haven't quite mastered it yet but I am learning. Here are few examples:

1) Candles- I love them so each morning when I come downstairs, I light one. It reminds me to say a prayer of peace and make me happy. I do the same when I get home.

2) Music- I am listening to music I enjoy...everywhere! At home, in my office, on my commute. My choices change daily but thanks to Amazon Prime, I have lots of preset playlists to choose from.

3) Exercise- I leave my desk most days for some kind of exercise. I got to the gym or take a walk outside. Something to help care for me physically and

4) Coffee/Tea- I treat myself to a cup of tea or coffee in the afternoon. It helps me relax and gives me a boost for my commute.

Adding in a few easy things has made a big difference for me. Don't wait to enjoy life until a special occasion, may everyday special!

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