Saturday, August 30, 2014


Dealing with disappointment is just part of life, right?  Earlier this week, I had to deal with disappointment.  Something Nick and I had planned on came to a sudden halt.  And I have to say my emotions got the better of both of us for that day.  We were upset that our plan had been changed and to be honest that we had lost control of what would happen next.  So I did what any person would do. I sulked, cried, and sought counsel of good friends.  One of my good friends, A, sent me something that stuck with me and applies to dealing with any unexpected event. Day 1) Pity Party, Day 2) Whirl of Fixing, and Day 3)Acceptance.  I choose to takes those days in 24 hour increments and just as she said as I am entering Day 3 acceptance has set it.  You see this bump is only a bump.  It isn't the end of the world unless I allow it to be.  My blessings still far outweigh what I deserve and it the grand plan God knows what we need, when, and how.  So today I am at peace.  I am going to stop fretting and allow the plan to unfold because I believe with all sincerity I am not the one in control.   You have probably noticed that I never have said what the actual disappointment was and I won't because in the big picture it doesn't really matter.  What really matters is how we chose to respond.

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