Tuesday, March 8, 2011

18 Month Old Rockstar

Here is my little rockstar just a few days before he turned 18 months. Outfited in slim fitted jeans, a Beatles Tee layered over a long sleeve onsie, and of course matching shades. Still rocking the long hair.

The Life of EAK at 18 Months:

-Still happiest in the morning, wakes up bouncing in the crib-Loves the playground near our house, even the BIG slide. He runs and plays like the big kids.
-Tantrums are even more DRAMATIC...like full screaming and red face. They don't usually last long and time out has ensued
-Refuses a pacifier unless it is time to sleep
-Expresses a little interest in Sesame Street
-Claps enthusiatically during Wheel of Fortune
-Knows that "peepa" means tummy in spanish
-Can idenitfy and say nose, eyes, and ears
-Can identify people in pictures
-Continues to be mama and daddy's helper. Great at doing small chores and following 2 step directions
-Enjoys daily reading time
-Taking his first swim class and loves it so far!
-Into everything especially plugs, outlets, and anything electronic
-Daddy is best friend and he is sweet on Mama :o)
-Shoe Size 7W
-Clothing Size 18-24 months. Long legs, torso, and arms like NK
-Height-Will Update after Doctor's Visit
-Weight-Will Update after Doctor's Visit
-Bedtime: 8:00pm, Wake-up for the Day 8:00am, Naptime 12:30/1:00pm (All approximate)
"All You Need is Love"

1 comment:

  1. ummmm.......please tell me he can identify me in pictures!?!?!???? :)
