Sunday, February 10, 2013

A positive week

I am really proud of the progress I have made in just a week on my goal of homemaking!  I finished up our grocery shopping on Sunday and made a meal plan for 10 days.  I also kept the house a little more clean, did a little organizing and putting things away.  I made baby food for L and even brewed up some homemade fabric softener! We used mostly cloth diapers on evenings and weekends.  I even tried a new recipe that NK loved.

In addition to working on the things in our home, I have started getting up earlier and with a better attitude. Baby girl tends to wake up close to her normal school day schedule on my days off and I have committed to getting up and enjoying our time time together. Usually, I am able to nurse her (if we haven't already) and let her play while I get in my morning cup of coffee.  I read my morning scripture, complete my devotional, and also scour my favorite blogs for inspiration on topics that interest me.  A little while later, E gets up and eases into the day.  He eats breakfast and chooses how he would like to spend the morning. My husband, a chronic night owl, is the usually last to get up. Rather than being resentful, I have chosen to accept this and work with him on a plan that suits us. For example, on Saturday I was early and hosted a play date for this kids.  He slept in late but did the dreaded trip to Costco.  He stays up late and listens for L.  When she wakes up, he attempts to soothe her first before bringing her to me for her feeding.   Win for all! After 14 years, I am finding it is much easier to accept my husband and to stop trying to change him in favor of working towards a rhythm of mutual happiness.  I am discovering my sense of peace is contagious in our home. Everyone is benefiting and I feel so much better.

So as the weekend ends and I start a new week, I plan to continue my progress and build on it.  My short term goals for the week are to get out of the house on time (no later than 6:20 AM), exercise 4 times (2x at work, 2x at home), pick out cloths for the week (E, L, and myself) and to file all those papers staring at me from my filing cabinet!

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