Saturday, June 2, 2012

Third Trimester Lag

Today has been one of those days where I feel every bit of my 31 weeks and 3 days. I  have been SO tired all day and have even cat napped while E watched a favorite show which never happens. I have no doubt it is because I did too much yesterday but what is done is done. So as napped time rolled around today I started thinking about how nice to would be to get a manicure and pedicure but had not motivation to leave my house. I also have serious misgiving about being in the nail salon surrounded by the chemicals they use for artificial nails, not to mention the cost. So on a whim, I opted to take an hour and do at home spa day with things I already have here. So one hour later, I took a shower and did a full body sugar scrub, facial scrub, moisturized, plucked my eyebrows, soaked my feet is peppermint salts, gave myself a manicure and a pedicure. All at no cost since I had the supplies already at home and never had to leave the house. Now that is a win! Now I still have enough time to kick up my feet for half an hour before the boy gets up. I need to remind myself of this when the new baby comes and I am need of a little mental break. Sure paying someone else is super nice but being able to stay home and treat yourself is a great thrifty option.

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