Thursday, August 5, 2010

It's Been Awhile

It is hard to believe it is already August! The cliche "Time Flies" has never been truer for me since Emory's birth. I marvel each day that it doesn't seem like very long ago that I was anxiously awaiting to arrival of my sweet boy. As we inch closer to his 1st birthday, I continue to feel incredibly nostalgic. I am torn between sadness over how quickly he has grown and missing those early days yet I am excited for each new phase. Over the past few weeks he has been building confidence and taking steps and just last night he went for it! His is till in the early stages but he is walking. Agan, this leaves me with mixed emotions. I thought we had a little more time! We have really been enjoying this summer and spending quite a bit of time home as a family. Emory and I also helped found a working mother's playgroup! We had our first playdate last week. All in all life it pretty great. I hope to update this blog more often since I has been working on riding myself of other usless distractions!

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