Thursday, January 28, 2010

Two become Three!

Our son Emory Abram Kiernan was born on September 8, 2009 at 3:58 AM. He weighed 7lbs, 2 oz and was 20.5 inches long.

I went into to labor on Labor Day. We definitely had no idea he was coming! I had a busy weekend attending a wedding, helping with a baby shower, and generally wearing myself out. At 8 pm on Monday night, Nick and I finally sat down for dinner. My meal of choice was a chili cheese onion hot dog and orange soda ( I know). Nick was making nachos. Just as he had his chips perfectly toasted and everything in place...I looked at him and said as calm as could be "My water just broke." Needless to say he never ate those nachos. We took our time leaving the house. I felt fine and was not having any contractions. We arrived at Fair Oaks Hospital around 10:00 pm. After some concerns over the baby's hear rate, my doctor opted for a C-section. Nick accompanied me into the operating room and about 20 mins later Emory was born! The rest as the say is history!

Like most things that have happened with Nick and I, Emory's arrival took us by surprise. Of course we knew he was coming but not that early and not that night! Looking back it was the perfect experience for all of us...we just have to jump in and figure it out!

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