Thursday, January 28, 2010

No Looking back!

I have decided that going back and trying to update every moment since Emory's arrival would be too time consuming! We are going to start from the present and move forward. No looking back! You will have to use your imagination to connect the dots from Sept 8 until now.

Emory is now 4.5 months old. We just had his 4 month doctor's visit on Monday. He is 25.75 inches long and weighs 12lbs, 3oz. He is a but on the small side but his doctor was not concerned. He is just SUPER LONG like Nick! We have gotten the go ahead to keep giving cereal and 1st stage foods. He loves eating from a spoon and I have no doubt that this will help him put on weight.

He is super active and loves playing. He keeps us entertained with all of his new developments. Overall, he is a happy baby and pretty easy going.

Here are some more recent pictures!

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