Monday, September 10, 2012

Manic Monday

I really have a dislike for Mondays, I won't go so far as to say I hate them but really don't like them. Of course being on maternity leave changes my perspective a little on these days because I am not getting up and heading into the office. That being said, it still being about this feeling of the fun is over and time to get back to business...why is that? So after enjoying a lazy day at home, today I am looking at the clutter and chaos in each room with a heavy sigh. There is laundry to do, clutter to clean, sheets to change, floors to vacuum. It all makes me a bit anxious. However, I am going to try to do something different today. Rather than approaching these things with angst, I am going to go about my chores slowly and try to seek some joy out of it. If E stops me to talk or ask for something, I am will try not to snap. If L begins crying while I am in the groove, I will try not to get frustrated. You see, these are the times where it hard to see the blessings, in the day to day chores of being a wife and mother.  I am stopping myself to remember that I will never get this time back, they are truly once in a life time and being home for this period of time is a blessing! So with that, I am off to tackle my list with a positive attitude and whatever doesn't get done an wait until....WHENEVER!

*RANDOM TERRIFIC TIP-I had been struggle with some baby poop stains on L's clothes. I tried the Tide Stain Remover which did nothing. So I asked my mom what she did. She used good old fashioned Borax made into a paste. I happen to have it on hand so I tried it out. I made the paste, scrubbed the stains with a the paste using a toothbrush, then let them soak in a bucket of water which contained a little Borax and laundry detergent. It worked like a charm! The stains were gone even after having been dried. I also had great success using this method on a certain little boy's white birthday shirt that was covered in red icing! So do yourself a favor, go get a box of BORAX!