Monday, April 9, 2012

Learning as I go

As I looking back on the past months of this pregnancy, I can't help but reflect on the lessons I have already learned. Some of these lessons were started when I had E but it has taken until this pregnancy for me to fully embrace them.

1) A clean house isn't important. -I do not mean that we have decided to let our house turn to filth but there is a different sense of importance. There will always be clutter, there will be chores to be done, but my son will not be 2 forever. Life only happens once so it is important so don't waste it.

2) Pajama Days are awesome.- I no longer feel ANY guilt what so ever on the days we stay in on pjs until the afternoon. There is something about staying in your pjs which forces you to take the day at a slower pace, to stay a little more relaxed.

3) Some things will have to wait.- This pregnancy has left me much more tired and most recently with lower back pain. At times, I am physically unable to do the things I need or want to do. And while it is frustrating at times, I am learning to let go.

So there they are, just a few tidbits I have picked up along the way on this journey called motherhood. I will do doubt continue to add to this list but for today, this were the one laid upon my heart.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed!! I want to remember my girls, not the chores we did! Awesome Mama!
