Saturday, June 20, 2015

Birthday Parties

As my close friends (ERJ and AJL) can attest to, every year at birthday party planning time (or before )I try to think of ways to get out of having a birthday party for my kids. Sounds horrible, huh? Well actually if you are mom, you probably get it but just in case let me peel this back a little. We have a big family, like 7 sisters between us big family. And we live fairly close to them. So hosting a party becomes a bit of a family reunion. Now take that and add the friends we know that have kids plus our kids' actual friends and you have a BIG party. That is a lot of planning, buying, and socializing for this gal who much prefers smaller groups. 

Did I also mention that my kids have birthdays about 6 weeks apart so this scene is repeated twice? I just can't. So my stance this year was experience over exceptions. That is all fine and dandy until your kids start planning their parties months in advance and talk about it non stop. I could have gotten by with just E because he thinks everyday should be a family and friend party but then it sweet baby girl started talking about a birthday party. GAME OVER.  Can I just add that my hubby totally called my bluff months ago? What can I say? I am soft.

Yesterday I hung my head down in shame (via text), told my hubby he was right, and asked for his ideas. So like he does for most things, he went to his phone and said "OK Google, 3 year old birthday parties." Uh, why didn't I think of that? And what he was found was perfect! A well laid out party for a small group of preschoolers with a theme and  easy games that doesn't require a meal, paying a insane rental fee, or an all day time commitment. So I am all in and following the plan as laid out. I am keeping the guest list small with L's enjoyment at the forefront. Being the planner that I am, I have ordered her cake already, decorations are on their way from Amazon, and  I still have over a month to go.  But here is here is the best part...I am actually excited! 

The motherhood thing is hard but sometimes maybe just maybe we make it a little harder than it should be...maybe. :o)

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