Saturday, June 28, 2014


 Life is so funny.  I had this post all perfectly set up with my "plan" for our staycation week. All the fun things I was going to do, meals I was going to cook, etc.  HA! There is reason it never got published. 1) It was stupid and 2) It didn't happen.  What sense does it make to schedule you time off?  Our normal routine requires us to abide by a schedule each day and I just didn't want to do that. 

We kicked our staycation off with a pajama day last weekend. It was a rainy day which worked out beautifully. We played games, kids took long naps, and watched the World Cup. Go USA! We also bought a newer, bigger kiddie pool which the kids are loving.

During part of our staycation we participated in Vacation Bible School at our church.  It was awesome!  And because my church is just oh so amazing both of the kids were able to participate.  They each went to their respective classes and I was a leader for 3/4th grade. Fun was had by all. I will sorely miss the morning singing and dancing when I return to the office next week.  Maybe I can convince my grumpy co-workers to sing a few verses...ok probably not! :o(  Back to VBS, we were home each day by about 1PM which was past Leia's normal naptime.  It took a little convincing but I was able to get them laid down most days which allowed me to rest. 

After naps, we headed outside for outside time in the pool or playing in the yard.

And sure I did cook some but not every meal, my kids ate a packed lunch at church so really it was mostly dinner. Breakfast was cereal, cereal bars...gasp! Oh and one morning I did make chocolate chip pancakes.

So no fun playdates, no coordinated trips to local attractions just plain old living at our house. And I am so happy it turned out that way. I think the kids were too.

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