Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Cleaning out my closets!

I am making a public declaration. I am cleaning out my "closets." I have way too much crap! And I don't really mean collectively as a family, I mean my personally. Of course E has quite a bit of stuff but I work really hard to keep it slimmed down but there is certainly room for improvement there too. This "stuff" is causing my house to be too clutter and unorganized which is driving me batty. So it has got to start getting out. We have managed to fill up entirely too much space for my taste in our new house. Just a little less than 2 years ago we lived nicely in a 3 level townhouse and while we have had a baby since that time, he isn't the main culprit. It is time to get busy and start pairing down. This is a perfect time of year since it is before the end of the tax year and everything can be used as a write off which will add up to more money in the coming months! To help keep me accountable, I am going to track my accomplishments over the next few weeks. I may not get it all done by year end but I certainly want to have a good start.

Do you have too much stuff? Do your closets need to be cleaned? Just something to think about!

1 comment:

  1. We have been working on it too. We both are sentimental fools so we keep the oddest stuff.
