Friday, November 5, 2010

Cloth Wipes

I admit it. I am part "crunchy." I say only part because I am certainly not completely "green" by any stretch but I do flirt with the idea every now and then. My latest crunchy expedition has been using cloth wipes. A friend of mine (at the time a mama to be) who is a web surfing expert sent me a few blogs that discussed cloth wipes. Now, you might remember from a previous entry that I was attempting to cloth diaper but cloth wipes? No way! Or so I thought. One thing I continue to learn now that I am a mama is to never say never. It is kind of a long story that lead me to go down the cloth wipe path but let's keep it short. E had experienced some severe tummy issues which caused his tiny bum to be red, raw, and extremely painful after repeated changing. After a visit with our pediatrician, she recommended using warm water and cloths when changing E since even the sensitive wipes have alcohol in them. So Papa and I immediately make the switch. I filled a spray bottle with warm water and mild soap to use with our cloths. Well after a couple of weeks something hit me...we were using cloth wipes!! So I figured why not make it official? So I went back to those resources my( now mama) friend had sent to me and went about the process. It is super easy! I already had most of what I needed on hand which was a wipe warmer, clothes, water, baby wash and baby oil. I do also recommend tea tree oil as it helps with the smelly in your diaper pail. I started off using washcloths and cut up scraps of old burp cloths. Eventually I did order some cutie pie ones from a vendor on Etsy. Her shop is called TurtlesRUs and she does great work. I received 24 flannel wipes for 10.99 plus shipping. So there it is, my crunchy confession. If you are interested, there is a ton on info on the web that will guide you on how to make your own cloth wipes. Enjoy!!

Here is the link to the Etsy site:

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